2008年10月01日 Share/Bookmark
聯合國大會第59/25號決議 關於底拖

2005117,聯合國大會(UNGA)通過第59/25號決議,建議應逐案case by case)考慮、採取預防Precautionary approach)或暫時性禁止措施,禁止公海底拖網在較脆弱之海域作業,並改善公海底拖網作業方式,直到國際法採用一致的適當保護管理措施為止。
然而,針對聯合國此決議,由世界主要國家漁業團體組成的非營利組織「國際漁業團體聯盟」(International Coalition of Fisheries Association, ICFA)則持不同的立場。ICFA成立於1988年,並已取得聯合國糧農組織FAO)非政府組織觀察員之地位。200595ICFA於義大利羅馬舉行年會,會中西班牙、冰島及日本等代表對於聯合國大會第59/25號決議表示關切,認為應維持公海底拖網作業,其中日本拖網協會並散發底拖網有助於生態環境之宣導資料。
ICFA 表示,全球超過90%的漁撈活動都在各國專屬經濟區內進行,而底拖網是主要的漁撈方式,佔總產量60%以上。此乃維繫與保證全球食物之供應。ICFA憂慮一旦聯合國大會通過公海暫時終止底拖網作業,環保團體恐將停止作業範圍延伸至各國EEZ內,屆時拖網漁業將受到更大的影響。
United Nations General Assembly 17 January 2005 Resolution adopted by the General Assembly Fifty-ninth session  Agenda item 49 (b)   66. Calls upon States, either by themselves or through regional fisheries management organizations or arrangements, where these are competent to do so, to take action urgently, and consider on a case-by-case basis and on a scientific basis, including the application of the precautionary approach, the interim prohibition of destructive fishing practices, including bottom trawling that has adverse impacts on vulnerable marine ecosystems, including seamounts, hydrothermal vents and cold water corals located beyond national jurisdiction,until such time as appropriate conservation and management measures have been adopted in accordance with international law.     
國際漁業團體聯盟 (International Coalition of Fisheries Association, ICFA)  •Rejects assertions that bottom trawling is a destructive fishing practice. •Disputes some environmental NGOs unsubstantiated and unscientific claims that bottom trawling, particularly on seamounts, destroys biodiversity. •Urges all nations to continue to reject extreme restrictions, such as proposal for a bottom trawling moratorium on the high seas. •Notes that more than 90% of fishing activity takes place within nations’ Exclusive Economic Zones and that bottom trawling is the major fishing method used around the world, accounting for more than 60% of production. •Notes that trawling is acknowledged to be a sustainable fishing method contributing to global food supply and security.   本文為海龍王愛地球自行編纂,供內部環境教育討論使用,若資訊有誤或版權有議,歡迎來信指教。惜福感恩
張貼者: Gold2008-10-01 12:50:39
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